Pookie...My Sweet Old Lady

by Cindi
(Hampton, Virginia)

Pookie in 2006

Pookie in 2006

Pookie is my sweet, loving, wonderful Yorkie. I got her from a breeder when she was 9 weeks old for my 38th birthday. She is now 15 and a half. She has been with me through so many of life's ups and downs. I love her dearly. I have no children, so, she's it.
A few years ago I noticed her having like a jerking, tremer or 'wobble' is what we call it. She would sometime loose her balance, sometimes her legs would give out...it was weird. Loud noises seemed to bring it on...but not always. I took her to the vet and they ran gobbs of tests on her. They ruled out siezures nand didn't find anything else that was causing it. Whenever it happened, it would only last a couple of seconds, then she would continue to do whatever she was doing before it. In fact she still does the wobble and seems to be more often..
A year or so ago she started getting slower. She had always slept up on the bed with me, and she started to prefer her own bed on the floor...beside me, of course. I also have needed to put diapers on her always. She still wants to go out to potty, but the diaper usually has already been soiled. (diaper doesn't stop the poop though) She does usually poop outside. I have had to put her in a little fence in area during the day while we are at work...which breaks my heart. Almost every day, when I get home it's like she has pooped and walked in it all. It will be everywhere, even in the bedding. She is always dying to go outside to potty. While she's out there I run the bath because everyday I have to clean her feet. She used to love baths...now it seems to break her heart. It's really pitiful.
I believe, after reading this site thoroughly, she has CCD. She walks around and around the house, cant seem to setttle down. She can't see or hear very well. She runs into furniture and walls and stuff a lot. It tears me up. But when we're eating dinner or if she thinks the guys are in the driveway frying fish..she's like a puppy wanting to be out there with them. Go figure! She also keeps wanting out a lot at night. Some years ago my vet told me I can give her childrens Benedryl for allergies. He now says it wont hurt to let her have it again to help her sleep and calm her down. (Just 1ml with a dropper. It seems to help...But I don't want to give it to her too often.)
Now days I am getting terrified that I may need to euthanize her. I have prayed for years for the Lord to take her in her sleep. I pray the Lord will spare me the heartbreak of having to make that decision. She actually has a pretty cushy life right now. We both love on her all the time. Kenny makes special goodies that she absolutely loves - rock fish and deer meat...both cooked of course, not raw. She has beds or sleeping areas in just about every room. A cool car seat that lets her be up high enough to be able to see around while we're in the car. She still and always has loved to go bye-bye.
I truly love her so...and I really am hoping I can and will do what is best for her...when the time comes...if the time comes. I will continue to keep my faith in my prayer that I won't ever have to make that decision.
Thank you for this site. It has made me understand so much about what she is going through. It has confirmed my belief that even though Pookie isn't like she used to be...and she is a bit more high maintenance, she's not quite ready to leave me yet!

Comments for Pookie...My Sweet Old Lady

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Feb 20, 2012
Dear Pookie
by: Kathryn

You are a lovely old girl and have a wonderful home. Bless you sweet one.

Jan 19, 2012
by: Paul

Thanks for telling us all about Pookie and what a lovely old girl she is. I am glad you like the site.

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